January 05, 2010

Frustration.... Need to Vent

The topic I'm about to discuss could cause some debate . . . JUST FYI!

After work I went to the grocery store b/c my husband wanted a certain type of bread to go along with this wonderful dinner he is cooking tonight. It is soooo cold outside but I did it. I pick up some other items as well while I was there. I'm standing in the long line to check out when this woman next to me in another line decides to explain why she was buying what and made sure it was on her food stamp list. This lady went on and on about how it is so tough right now having 6 kids with one on the way.

I guess I just got a little frustrated about the situation. I want food stamps!!!! I want someone to help us buy food!

Jesse and I have both been very lucky so far in our life living on our own and being able to go and do and purchase things we want. We work hard for that money to be able to do those things. The past few months since we have been married have been the hardest money wise (like i'm sure for most people). We have had to watch every dollar spent. No more target shopping sprees, weekend vacations, and just b/c I wanted something purchases. We have even started to buy STORE BRAND items - even Jesse *shocking i know*

I don't honestly want to be on food stamps but Jesse and I are two people who know we can't afford to have another person around as a mouth to feed. Why do others do more than what they can give? Do they know the government will help them? This situation just made me really think... now in an odd mood tonight.

I just need to be thankful for my life, my husbands life, and our life together with Xienna and Nemo. :)


  1. I'm totally with you, contraversial or not. A friend of mine has a one year old, talks about her money woes and how Medicaid and other government aid is being cut back and in the next breath she's talking about having another baby because she wants her kids to be close in age. Things that make you go hmmmmm.

  2. You should check out the opening sequence to the movie "Idiocracy" - it is a hilarious but scary explanation why the world is becoming stupider, because smart people like you & Jesse wait to have kids! http://www.metacafe.com/watch/2682654/idiocracy_opening_sequence/
